Why Women? Why Wilderness?

Research shows that the connection between women and wilderness is vital. Learn about the women and nature nexus, and nature connection in general.


How Empowering Women and Girls Can Help Stop Global Warming

“Gender equity is a key answer to our planetary challenge…Women are vital voices and agents for change on this planet…It is a magnificent thing to be alive in a moment that matters so much.”

~Katherine Wilkinson, Ted Talk

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Femininity in the wilderness

“Women’s guides are designed to help women take the initiative in their own provisioning so that they won’t be dependent upon men.”

~Cheryll Glotfelty, PhD

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 The nature of body image

“Our research has found that women who spent more than three hours a week engaged in nature-based activities had a significantly more positive body image than their counterparts.”

~Denise Mitten, PhD & Chiara D’Amore, PhD

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the mental benefits of being in nature

A 2008 study showed that spending time in nature resulted in heightened learning and memory. This is due to microscopic bacteria in the soil called mycobacterium vaccae.